Monday, July 26, 2010


Nintendo has done it again, but can I say that they have hit the jackpot this time: CHA CHING!! The Wii game system is the newest game system that has hit the nation by storm. It is the first game system that you can play by using your entire body as a controller. The Wii comes with its own set of games that include activities such as golf, tennis, bowling, baseball, and boxing. All of these games involve the person the get up off of the couch and participate using their entire body. This game is great for the entire family and a good form of exercise. You can also purchase other games for the Wii. Wii has its own line of fitness games also. Wii Fitness includes running and yoga. There is a yoga mat that comes with the game and it lets you know if you are moving improperly. Running also includes a mat, that you run on, and it shows you scenery on the screen. What better way for you and your family to stay fit and have quality time together. The game that I enjoy the most is the family game night. This includes board games but on the television screen. You can play Monopoly, Clue, or Sorry to name a few. You have to give it up to Nintendo, they really out did themselves this time.

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The IPod swept the nation in October 2001. This was one of the best, and inventive, MP3 player out. The generation that it focused on was universal. I liked the fact that any age could enjoy the coolest MP3 player that has hit the market. When IPod was first introduced it was available in different sizes, according to gigabytes. The lowest gigabyte allowed you to put about 150 songs on the MP3 player. The largest gigabyte allowed you to store over 10,000 songs along with pictures and videos. This was the best thing since sliced bread! Music lovers learned to appreciate this because you did not have to worry about a bulky CD player. The portable CD player was not as efficient as an MP3 player. I remember going on road trips with my family and every time we hit a bump, my CD would skip. The IPod prevented this from happening. Not only did you have a portable device that prevented you from carrying CDs, but you could also purchase an adapter for your car. This plug allowed you to listen to all of your music without having to change CDs. Now there are better versions of the IPod. There is the IPod Touch, which is touch screen only, and an IPhone. So not only can you store all of your music, but you can use it as a cell phone too. Like I said the best thing since slice bread!!

Learning How To Communicate.

Communicating is one of the first things we are taught. We are taught how to say "Mommy" or how to ask for things we want. I believe one of the things we are not taught is how to communicate properly. This is because, as adults, we do not know how to communicate effectively either. As we become adults we get into relationships and fail to communicate properly. We are either holding our emotions in and not expressing them or we are screaming at our significant other and not talking. This reflects on how we were raised. If you were taught to keep your feelings suppressed when you were young, then you are going to have trouble expressing yourself as an adult. The same goes if you were raised in a household that yelled at one another no matter what the situation was. You will yell as an adult, whatever your feelings may be. My experience in my relationship left me emotionally drained because my boyfriend never communicated because he never expresses his feelings. Where as I always said how I felt because I can not hold in what I am feeling because it eats away at me. The video that I posted explains how stress in a relationship can have its tolls on both parties involved. You have to find a common ground and learn how to communicate effectively.